- Immediately After the Operation
What to Expect: Right after the procedure, some discomfort, swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes is expected. Swelling reaches its peak at 48-72 hours. It is also normal to feel tired for the first few days. Sometimes, the tip of the nose will be numb for a while and occasionally the front teeth, too. These feelings will gradually decrease.
What to Do: Please support your head with an extra pillow and try to sleep in a straight angle for a few days to decrease the risk of edema. For the first 72 hours after surgery, apply crushed ice in an ice bag to minimize swelling. Do not put pressure on the nasal splint.
You should not touch the nose splint (over the nose) and the nasal silicone splints (inside the nostrils). While the nasal splint is on, you can have your hair washed like they do in hairdressers. Take care to prevent the nasal splint getting wet and keep your incisions completely dry to prevent infection.You should also confirm how to take your medication with your doctor or with your patient-host. You should not blow your nose for the first 10 days.

- 1-6 Weeks
What to Expect: Although swelling and bruising will gradually subside in the first weeks, you will still experience the swelling during the 2-3 months, it is totally normal. Both nasal splints will be removed between 5 to 7 days after the surgery. For a couple of weeks, you will feel stiffness around your nose, especially at the upper lip and the teeth, and because of this, you won’t feel the area as flexible as before.
What to Do: After the nasal splint is removed, you can start washing the nose gently with soap and, from now on, make-up can be applied. Moisturizing creams can be used if it feels dry. After removing the splint, do not wear glasses or allow anything heavy on your nose for 6 weeks (sunglasses are not advised for 6 months). Because any weight on your nose may damage the nose bone or cartilage. It is recommended to use contact lenses, especially for the first 6 weeks.

- 3-6 Months After
What to Expect: In 3 months, the majority of the swelling should have subsided by now and the shape and contours of your nose will continue to improve. At 6. month, the nose is expected to be largely healed, and you’ll notice the improvement in both breathing and appearance.
What to Do: Be in contact with your assigned MCAN follow-up nurse and follow their guidance. If you notice anything unusual, instantly get in contact with the team. Protect your nose from any trauma.

- 1 Year After
What to Expect: At this point your nose should be almost fully healed, and the final result is achieved. Minor imperfections or asymmetries are expected to resolve by now.
What to Do: Continue protecting your nose from any trauma and if you have concerns regarding the process, reach out to followup@mcanhealth.com.