Everything About Elon Musk Hair Transplant

If we make a list of this decade’s most popular people, Elon Musk would be in the top 3. From technological innovations to his personal life, everything he gets his hands on has the potential to be talked about.

Even his hair transplant is all over the internet. Several questions regarding Elon Musk hair and style intrigue surgeons and fans to the point of obsession:

  • Was he bald?
  • How did he get his hair back?
  • Or for the acute: did he get a hair transplant!?
It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. – Elon Musk

A whole intrigue revolves around his hair, almost as much as his business talks and activities! Can it be surprising? Elon is surely one of the most influential inventors alive and has a peculiar charisma that no one can deny.

And so the last question remains lurking in the backstage of our minds: Would the man be so charismatic and influential without the hair transplant?

Elon Musk Before Hair Transplant

First impressions have a massive effect on our thoughts about someone. As the first impression is strongly connected to that person’s physical appearance, our question sounds legitimate enough to dwell into.

Let’s see how Elon looked like through the years:

young elon musk
Elon Musk in Teenage Years

Here is Elon as a kid and a young adult. The facial features and his eyes are just the same as they are today. His hair seems very dense and healthy. Or does it? Take a closer look at the young Elon now.

It is obvious that he has a thin hair type. The hair on his forehead looks a bit weak as it is not as dense as the rest. This can be considered as a sign of a potential his receding hairline in the future.

young elon musk receding
Elon Musk age 16

His Hairline Started Receding in His Early Ages:

Just a few years later you can already see Elon has a typical receding hair. This is the official starting point of male pattern baldness. It starts from the frontal area, specifically from the temples.

On the right side of his forehead, you can easily spot a gap without hair. If you take a closer look, you can see that it has not stopped there, but slowly crept toward the crown area. This hair loss progression will be more apparent a couple of years later.

Elon Musk and PayPal Chief Executive Officer Peter Thiel before hair transplant

His Hair Loss Did Not Stop Even When He Became a Billionaire!

We have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good ones: he founded the online payment platform PayPal and became a billionaire in a very short period of time.

That was his first giant step into becoming a globally appreciated figure. Bad news: His hair loss did not stop and advanced to his crown.


He shifted from a receding hair type to baldness. We can give him a good Norwood 4 on the Norwood Hamilton Scale, the globally acknowledged standard to diagnose the intensity of hair loss.

If he hadn’t done anything about it, it would have eventually arrived at Norwood 5 or 6. Here is what Norwood Type 4 – 5 – 6 looks like: norwood scale 4 to 6 e1638185120487

The Balding Process

Back to the late 90’s Elon now:

Elon Musk before hair transplant in CNN interview b

You can see that the frontal area and temples are complete without hair. The only hair on his crown looks very thin and foamy which indicates a great potential for hair loss to progress. Dihydrotestosterone does not spare you even if you are the owner of PayPal.

DHT is the real reason behind male pattern hair loss. It is a by-product of testosterone, as a result of its biochemical reactions to certain enzymes. Shortly, if your testosterone is affected by some particular enzymes, you start to produce DHT and it makes your hair fall.

Elon Musk Hair Treatment

We are sure that even 20 years ago, he did not have any financial limitations on the best hair transplant medication, techniques, methods and doctors of the time! So here we go! After such a long time, his hair looks brilliant!

How Did He Get His Hair Back?

Elon Musk before the second hair transplsnt

Experts believe that he had surgery twice, the first one taking place in 2002. As we see in the photo, compared to the previous years he got quite a nice density! But it does not look as dense as it is today.

So he must have undergone a second hair transplant!  Some people also wonder about his hair plugs, since the method was a very common technique back in the 90s. But in fact, if we take a look at his natural hairline and hair density, we can be sure it is not possible.

Elon Musk Strip Scar After FUT Hair Transplant

In fact, what can we expect from someone like Elon Musk, other than he chose the most advanced method of the time, FUT? You can see the strip scar of the stitches in the back of his head and sides (donor area).

As you may know, the FUE method, currently delivering the best results, became common after 2010, but Elon Musk had his hair done before.

After Hair Transplant

Elon Musk before and after hair transplant

As an inventor and innovator, it is not hard to guess that he saw the rising opportunity in hair restoration technology and went for the treatment without much hesitation. Let’s see what happened:

According to the Results, Hair Implant Was Done by a Very Professional Team

Elon Musk and his team

It seems to be the right decision. The result is perfect. The change is just beautiful, isn’t it? One of the most crucial stages of hair transplant is to analyze the patient’s condition very well and come up with a suitable plan for each case.

According to the plan, a new hairline is designed for each patient, the density is determined and the approximate number of grafts to be extracted is calculated accordingly.

Elon Musk after hair transplant

The result shows that an experienced hair transplant team took care of him. It is obvious that he had a unique hairline design that looks very natural.

The density and volume of his hair is also very suitable for his face and scalp. The number of grafts must have been around 4000, as he had a large balding area.

His Hair Makes Him Look More Charismatic and Charming

Elon Musk is more charismatic after hair transplant

He is surely enjoying his new hair now. There is no doubt that the hair implant adds a lot to his charisma. Hair may be just hair, but we understand that it is much more than that. It is as important as your nose when it comes to how you look. Also, it includes ‘losing’ a part of yourself, which is not a desirable situation for anyone.

That’s why it is reasonable to think that getting his hair back with a successful hair transplant had a big effect in increasing his attractiveness and charisma. This should also lead to a confidence boost which can be seen in his eyes. At MCAN Health, we consider everything you may experience during our hair loss treatments. The condition of your hair, your psychology and the most suitable personal plan for you are our priorities. This principle is the reason behind our satisfying results, our patient satisfaction, and our success. MCAN Health offers hair transplant in Istanbul, Turkey since 2015 with th most advanced techniques such as FUE, Sapphire FUE and DHI.

Are you interested in a hair transplant for yourself?

You can get more information and have a free online consultation whenever you want!