Fat upper pubic area, aka FUPA, also called mons pubis panniculus, is a bothersome situation most women and men experience. FUPA is fat around the lower belly over the pubic area. FUPA can be formed as you gain weight, but some people are born with a fat layer over the abdomen. Weight gain, genetics, and individual body composition can all contribute to the development of fat in the pubic area. Some people may naturally carry more fat in this region due to their genetics, while others may develop it as they gain weight.
It is a fact that those with FUPA can both be impacted physically and psychologically. Physically, having excess fat in the pubic area can lead to discomfort, chafing, and interference with certain activities like exercising, sitting, or wearing certain types of clothing. Psychologically, it might impact an individual’s body image and self-esteem, potentially causing distress or negative feelings about their appearance.

How Does FUPA Impact Individuals?
So, how does FUPA differ between males and females? In both genders, fat forms in the upper pubic areas.
In females, the fat gathers on both sides of the vulva. Besides, fat distribution in females is likely to occur in the hips, thighs, and buttocks due to the influence of hormones like estrogen.

In males, fat tends to build up in the abdomen, particularly the lower abdomen, which can result in a protrusion in the lower belly area. The protrusion is called a “beer belly” or “dad bod.”

What is more? Excess fat accumulation in the upper pubic area, commonly referred can potentially lead to certain physical and psychological issues or discomfort. Let’s check what kind of problems FUPA brings out!
Physical Problems in Females and Males Due to FUPA
Chafing and Irritation: FUPA is likely to lead to chafing and irritation. The skin in the upper pubic area might rub against clothing or adjacent skin folds, which even causes skin rashes.
Limited Mobility: Excess fat in the pubic area can restrict movement, especially in activities that involve bending, stretching, or engaging the core muscles.
Hygiene Challenges: Proper hygiene can become challenging in areas with excess skin folds, potentially leading to fungal infections.
Clothing Fit: Finding well-fitting clothing might be difficult due to the bulge in the upper pubic area, affecting clothing choices and overall comfort.
Furthermore, in males, FUPA can lead to a problem called a “buried/hidden penis.”

Symptoms specific to a buried penis include:
- Challenges with urination in an upright position.
- Regular occurrences of urinary tract infections.
- Trouble achieving an erection or experiencing discomfort during erections.
- Difficulties in engaging in sexual intercourse and penetration with a partner.
Psychological Problems in Females and Males Due to FUPA
Body Image Concerns: Individuals with a noticeable FUPA might experience negative body image perceptions, feeling dissatisfied or self-conscious about their appearance.
Self-Esteem: A pronounced FUPA can affect self-esteem and confidence. People might feel less confident in social situations, intimate relationships, or participating in activities that expose the affected area.
Avoidance Behaviors: Individuals might engage in avoidance behaviors, such as avoiding social gatherings, wearing certain clothing, or even intimacy, due to discomfort with their perceived body shape.
Impact on Intimate Relationships: Body image concerns can influence intimate relationships by causing individuals to feel insecure or anxious about their bodies during intimate moments.
How to Get Rid of FUPA Without FUPA Surgery?
Can you get rid of FUPA without having FUPA surgery? You may get rid of FUPA by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and overall self-care. However, people should know that spot reduction (losing fat in a specific area) is ineffective. Therefore, the recommendations below aim to support overall weight loss and body fat reduction, which may contribute to reducing FUPA.
Here are some steps you can consider:
Balanced Diet: It is essential to focus on a well-rounded, nutritious diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Individuals should avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive calorie intake.
Caloric Deficit: To lose weight, individuals should create a caloric deficit, meaning consuming fewer calories. Therefore, monitoring the portion size and aiming for a gradual and sustainable weight loss rate is critical.
How to Get Rid of FUPA with FUPA Workout?
Eliminating a “FUPA,” or “Fat Upper Pubic Area,” requires a holistic approach encompassing dietary adjustments, physical activity, and lifestyle modifications. It’s crucial to understand that targeting fat reduction in a specific body area is usually ineffective. Instead, the emphasis should be on achieving overall fat loss through FUPA workout, a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and adopting a nutritious diet.
Here’s a workout plan to help you lose extra fat in the upper pubic area.

Cardiovascular Exercise: Regular aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking are important. Health authorities recommend that individuals aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.
Strength-training: Include strength-training workouts in your schedule. Developing lean muscle can enhance your metabolism and play a role in reducing body fat as a whole. Aim to work on your upper and lower body muscle groups for a well-rounded physique.
Core exercises: Incorporate workouts that target your core muscles, like planks, crunches, leg raises, and bicycle crunches. While they won’t specifically reduce fat in the FUPA region, they can assist in strengthening and toning the muscles in that area.
FUPA Surgery to Get Rid of FUPA
Sometimes, even if you have lost weight, the fat above your pubic area will likely remain, and FUPA-related problems can persist. In these conditions, individuals generally seek a certain way to eliminate their FUPA. There are several FUPA surgeries to solve this problem
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck):
Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightening the abdominal muscles. While abdominoplasty is primarily used to address loose or sagging skin and muscle separation in the abdominal region, it can also impact the appearance of the upper pubic area, often referred to as FUPA. Tummy tuck in Turkey is known as one of the best in this field.
“Monsplasty” is a surgical procedure designed to address the appearance of the mons pubis, which is the tissue area located just above the pubic bone. Monsplasty aims to improve the contour of the mons pubis and can involve several different techniques, depending on the individual’s anatomy and goals.
Panniculectomy is a surgical procedure that helps to dismiss FUPA by removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. Unlike a full abdominoplasty that involves tightening the abdominal muscles, a panniculectomy focuses primarily on removing the excess skin and fat.
Liposuction, involving the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body, is also a potential option for addressing excess fat in the upper pubic area. Liposuction aims to reshape and contour the treated area by removing localized fat deposits.