Aftercare Instructions of Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Aftercare Instructions by Medical Expert


  • 1 – 5 Days

What to Expect:

You may experience some swelling, red spots, scabs, itching and minor discomfort in the transplant area. Small amount of liquid may appear on your pillow. Do not worry, this is but  the liquid injected during the operation is getting out of your scalp. Mild pain can be felt for a couple of days. You will wash your hair two days after the surgery. Before the wash, you will remove the bandages. After the first wash, you do not need to wear them anymore.

What to Do:

You should sleep with the neck pillow for the first 5 days after the surgery and remember that you can sleep only on your back for the first 5 days.  Refrain from touching or scratching the transplant area. Use an ice compress on your forehead and eyes for relief, but do not apply it directly to the recipient and donor areas. Take pain relief medication provided by MCAN Health if necessary, and never scratch the recipient and donor areas to ensure optimal results. If you do not have swelling on your forehead, you do not have to wear a headband. 

1 5days
  • 5 – 14 Days

What to Expect:

The intensity of red spots should start to decrease gradually. There should be no more traces of dried blood, scabs or crust on your scalp.

What to Do:

If there are still some crusts after 7 days, please gently remove them while washing your hair. Remember to never scratch your recipient and donor areas. Seven days after the operation, you can have sex. But before that, sweating is not good for the operation area. Also, you should sleep carefully for a week. 

5 14days
  • 2 – 4 Weeks

What to Expect:

The transplanted hair may start to shed (shock loss), which is a normal part of the process. They may continue to fall out over the first two months.

What to Do:

Don’t be alarmed if you notice some hair loss from the transplanted area; this is expected and temporary. Soothing creams, Argan oil and Coconut oil can be used two weeks after the surgery. Aloe Vera is also an excellent option to help heal the donor area, but we do not want you to use it for the recipient area.

2 4weeks
  • 1 – 3 Months

What to Expect:

3 months after the transplantation, your hair will start to grow, although it may be thin and fine initially.

What to Do:

Now you may start shaving your transplanted hair with scissors. After 1 month you can start light exercise, but wait for 2 months to start heavy exercising.

1 6 months
  • 6-12 Months and Beyond

What to Expect:

Between 6-12 months the final phase is completed and 80% of the transplanted hair is expected to grow. The success rate can go up to 90%-%98 as long as the patient follows the necessary steps during the recovery.

What to Do:

At 6. month you can start shaving your hair with a razor blade and at 12. month with a shaving machine. During this period, be patient and continue to follow up with your assigned MCAN Health nurse. Be gentle when styling and washing your hair.

1 6 months


For transplanted area avoid shaving with shaving machine for 12 months, scissors for 30 days, razor blade 6 months. For donor area, avoid shaving for 30 days from the operation day. You can dye your hair 6-12 weeks after the hair transplant surgery.

Alcohol and smoking increases the time needed for the wounds to heal. It is better if you wait 2 weeks after the hair transplantation before consuming alcohol and smoking.

After 2 Weeks you can perform light exercises up to 30min/day. No weight lifting. In the first month after your hair transplant surgery, you should abstain from all physical activities to allow proper healing of the transplanted area and minimize the risk of complications. 

You should avoid sun exposure for a month completely. Using a hat is not also recommended for 15 days as it can damage the grafts. However, if you have to use it, you should wear a loose and wide hat after 1 week.

Avoid hair dryers following your procedure, letting hair air dry. The heat from the dryer is not suitable for your scalp after surgery, and it can also damage the healing hair follicles. You can start using it six months after the surgery, with a low heat. 

If you do an office job, you can go back to work 3-5 days after the operation. If your job requires physical activitiy, you can return to work 10-14 days after the surgery.

It would be best to use the shampoo we supply you for the first month after the surgery. After that, you can use any medical hair shampoo, provided it is appropriate for your hair. You should avoid chemical products on the transplanted area, at least in the first 6 months after the surgery (preferably chemicals not to be used in a full year).

Apply cold compressions, and do not panic. Cold compressions for 10 minutes every 1 hour and gentle massage will help to dissolve it faster. It will disappear in a few days.

There are thousands of cosmetic products and millions of ingredients. We can’t know all. So, please make a Google search about the components and check if they will cause any possible harm to your hair. Be sure to consult your appointed MCAN Health nurse and use the products they recommend.

You can travel after the hair transplant surgery with no restrictions. You need to follow the basic rules of wound care, follow the instructions and take prescribed medications in time. Careful while handling your luggage, so you don’t unintentionally rub your recipient area.

hair aftercare table


MCAN Health will provide you a special medical shampoo and lotion to use it after hair transplantation.

Hair wash can be done in 3 easy steps:

Watch the Video



Apply lotion gently by tapping (avoid rubbing) onto the recipient area, leaving it on for 5 minutes to soften scabs around the transplanted grafts, then wash it off with lukewarm water.


Use a small amount of medical shampoo to wash both donor and recipient areas by gently tapping with your fingers onto the scalp, ensuring thorough washing, and wash it off completely.

Also, you can wash the donor area by massaging to increase the blood circulation. Make sure that the water pressure is low as well.


After the washing is over, dry your hair with a paper towel by patting gently. Only use paper towels as they are soft and do not damage the implanted grafts. These three steps must be repeated every day for 14 days in order to get rid of the scabs and the dry blood. After 14 days, you can start washing your hair in the normal way.

NOTE: Your first wash should be two days after the hair transplant surgery.

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Approved by Dr. Dagsali Approved by Dr. Dagsali Medical Aesthetic Doctor Dr. Dagsali Email Logo Linkedin Logo

Dr. Dagsalı, with 40 years of experience and a degree from Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, is a distinguished professional in the healthcare sector. She has held high-level positions in the Ministry of Health and worked as a hospital manager for 12 years. An expert in medical aesthetics, she is skilled in chemical peels, acupuncture, mesotherapy, and botox, known for her meticulous approach and dedication to patient well-being.

Published by MCAN HEALTH