Aftercare Instructions of Breast Surgeries

breast surgeries aftercare


  • Right After the Operation

What to Expect: After breast reduction surgery, severe discomfort is expected, especially in the first 24 hours. For breast augmentation surgery, you may also have a backache. Swelling and some bruising is quite usual for all kinds of surgeries. It will gradually reduce over time. You can expect to be bandaged right after the surgery and wear a special bra. You will also have surgical drains for 3-5 days (especially in Breast Reduction and Breast Uplift). You will be informed by your doctor about your bandages on your last check-up date.  

What to Do: Due to narcotization, water and foods will be given in specific periods of time (water not before 2 hours, meal for 4 hours). This decision is made by your doctor considering your medical data. Also, If it is not mentioned as the opposite, you must wear your special bra for 6 weeks.

Walking and moving is beneficial to prevent blood clotting as it increases blood circulation, please try to walk around once nurses come to carry you after you had your first meal following the surgery. Ask help from the nurses. You can also move your legs frequently while you are lying in bed. Any tobacco products and spirit drinks should be stopped to be consumed after the surgery, because they may affect scar healing and increase the complication risks. You should not take your anti-embolism socks off until your surgeon tells you to do it. 

  • 1-4 Weeks

What to Expect: You will initially feel like your implants/breasts are too high and too large. This will resolve over the first 4-6 weeks post-operatively. As a result of the anesthesia and adaptation of the body, you may feel tired for a week. This kind of effect may change for each person.

In the first week, swelling and discomfort will probably reach its peak but around 2-4 weeks it will decrease.

What to Do: Having a shower is not allowed until the check-up date. You are responsible to keep your dressing clean and dry to prevent infection. Drink plenty of fluids (8-10 glasses of water/day) for the first week to keep yourself well-hydrated. Do not lift anything heavier than 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) for 3 weeks. Driving may be resumed when a sharp turn of the steering wheel will not cause pain; this will happen usually within 5-7 days. For the first 3 weeks, you may resume low-intensity sports as well as sexual activities and lower body exercises; but avoid using the upper body muscles for 6 weeks. Avoid swimming pools, sea and using creams on the treated area for a month. Also, any steamy and hot areas, such as a sauna or bath, are forbidden for a month. Heat can increase the swelling. Take all the medications as instructed. Antibiotics must be finished. Pain relief medications should be taken for the first few days as instructed, afterward please continue only if you have pain.

  • 1-6 Months

What to Expect: Your breast’s size and shape will improve during this period and they will nearly achieve their final shape at the end of this period. Any residing swelling should be minimal. Incision scars will fade over around 6 months. 

What to Do: After 6 weeks, you can start wearing a sports bra, unless your doctor tells the opposite on your last check-up. Besides, you can also wear a supportive bra to minimize movement of the breasts when you are exercising. 

You may resume all exercise/activity after 3 months. Please do not force your breast (pectoral) muscles, especially if you are having a breast augmentation. Every 3 weeks onwards, you can increase the intensity. All incisions will be extremely sensitive to sunlight during the healing phase. Direct sun contact or tanning booths must be avoided and you must use a sunscreen with SPF of 15 with UVA and UVB protection for at least 6 months.

1 6 MONTHS 2
  • 6 Months and Beyond

What to Expect: Around 1 year, your breasts will be fully healed and any numbness or sensitivity will continue to improve.

What to Do: Please maintain a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and try to keep your weight stable. If you have any concerns or questions you can 24/7 reach our followup team at



After breast surgery, wearing a special bra for 6 weeks is crucial for optimal healing. These bras minimize movement, make you feel more comfortable and provide better tissue healing. With a gentle compression they help to reduce the swelling as well as keeping your breast in their natural shape.

Wearing your special bra is very important for the healing period and your surgeon may prescribe certain creams or ointments to moisturize the skin. Stopping smoking is also very beneficial as it increases the risk of complications and harms the healing process. Avoiding direct sunlight for 6 months helps to prevent hyperpigmentation and once fully healed you can gently massage the area to promote circulation. Lastly, keep your wound dry, avoid hot showers and strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions.

Although rare, there are some risks of complications of breast surgeries, as any other surgery. The signs can include excessive bleeding, sudden increase in pain or swelling, redness or warmth around the incision site and unusual odor. If you experience any of these complications please contact a medical professional immediately.

Generally, it’s advisable to wait at least 2 months before starting using a normal bra although this timing can vary depending on the individual and healing process. We generally recommend using a sports bra after the 2 months waiting period.

Typically, it is recommended to wait at least a year for optimal healing before considering a pregnancy. However, it’s essential to consult with your surgeon regarding this decision. 

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Approved by Dr. Ceran Approved by Op. Dr. Ceran Plastic Surgeon Op. Dr. Ceran Email Logo Linkedin Logo

Dr. Ceran believes combining an artistic approach and technical expertise yields the most favorable patient results for plastic surgery. His proficiency extends beyond the technical aspects of plastic surgery as he is genuinely dedicated to comprehending the desires and objectives of his patients and assisting them in attaining the most optimal outcomes possible.

Published by MCAN HEALTH