What to Do and What to Avoid Before Hair Transplant?
- When You Decide the Operation
If you are smoking, please reduce smoking at most 3 in a day. Do not shave your hair before the procedure. If you have any chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension or any allergies please do inform us.
Please be aware that you MAY need to get a visa from the Visa Desk upon your arrival to the airport. After that please go to passport control. You can also get your visa online from www.evisa.gov.tr.
We will provide you with a Shampoo and a Lotion on check up day. So according to airport rules you can not put this shampoo and lotion into your hand luggage. Please also carry at least one extra small luggage that you can hand it over to the check in desk clerk.

- 7 Days Before

Avoid using aspirins, ibuprofen, B&E vitamins and also green tea. Reduce caffeine to 1-2 cups at most.
- 5 Days Before

We will send you the Consent Forms and pre-operation information to your e-mail address, please read them carefully. You will sign them in the clinic before the operation.
- 3 Days Before

Stop smoking and using alcohol completely. Do not use any drugs except for paracetamol.
- Operation Day
Please have your breakfast at the hotel before you come to the clinic. Carry your passport or copy with you when you are coming to the hospital/clinic. Detailed information about the method you have chosen for hair transplant will be made orally before the procedure by your physician.
As you will be in either supine or prone positions during hair transplantation day, you may bring earphones so that you can listen to music. We advise you to prepare a playlist that you would enjoy!