What to Do and What to Avoid Before Plastic Surgery?
- When You Decide the Operation
Follow a balanced diet which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. If you are smoking, please start reducing it at most 3 in a day.
You might need to obtain a visa at the Visa Desk when you arrive at the airport. Afterwards, proceed to passport control. Alternatively, you can secure your visa electronically via www.evisa.gov.tr.

- 1 Month Before

If you are using any birth control medication, you need to stop using it one month before the surgery. Please state your doctor the kind of birth control pill you are using at the face to face consultation.
Stop smoking and using tobacco products for at least four weeks before and after the surgery, as smoking can affect the healing process.
- 2 Weeks Before

Stop taking blood-thinning medicines, including aspirin, ibuprofen. These are the prohibited drugs & nutritions & blood anticoagulants: Green Tea, Garlic, Sour Cherry, Pomegranate, Ginko Biloba Extract or Pill, Tebokan Forte, Fish Oil, Coenzyme Q, Vitamin E, Red Wine, Chinese/herbal remedies, Cinnamon, Ginger. You can only take paracetamol, do not take any medicine other than that.
- 5 Days Before

Stop using alcohol for at least one week before the procedure, as it increases the risk of complications. Stay well-hydrated during this period. If you develop a fever, cold, or any illness before the surgery, please notify us immediately.
We will send you the Consent Forms and pre-operation information to your e-mail address, please read them carefully. You will sign them in the hospital before the operation.
- 1 Day Before
Do not eat or drink anything -including water- on the night before your surgery after midnight. You should fast a minimum of 8 hours before the surgery to ensure your stomach is empty for the anesthesia. You can take a shower and wash your face gently.

- The Day of the Surgery
Do not apply any makeup, lotions, creams or any other skincare products. Do not use contact lenses, nail polish, artificial nails or eyelashes. Avoid wearing jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, piercings, as they will need to be removed during the procedure. Metal materials are prohibited in the surgery room.
Please carry your passport or copy with you when you are coming to the hospital. As you are going to stay at the hospital on operation day, please do not forget to check out from the hotel before you come to the hospital. Otherwise they will charge you one day extra. You can leave your luggage in the hotel’s luggage room.