About Norwood Hamilton Scale
The doctors, medical teams, and trichologists working on hair loss treatment classify the male pattern baldness with a particular code. This code is determined by the Hamilton Norwood Scale. In the 1950s, Dr. James Hamilton introduced the scale, and later in the 1970s, it was updated by Dr. O’Tar Norwood. Dr. O’tar Norwood has modified the stages and added new classifications.
The Hamilton Norwood Hair Loss Scale is a tool to assess how severe a man’s hair loss, in other words; the level of baldness.
Men lose hair in different patterns. Some may lose hair only from temples, some may suffer from hair loss at the back of the head called the vertex, or some may have a receding hairline and at the same time hair loss at the back.
To have an idea about the Norwood Hamilton Scale, you can easily spot your hair loss type on the scale by examining the pictures and explanations below.